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Christian Resources Leicester is a friendly and well-established Christian bookshop situated in the heart of Leicester City Centre next to Leicester Cathedral. Founded over 35 years ago and formerly an SPCK branch, the shop now forms an integral part of St Martins House, which is owned by the Diocese of Leicester. It is a building dedicated to hospitality, outreach and service including a growing Conference Centre business.


All surplus profits from the shop, after meeting the needs as a business, are ploughed back into the work of St Martins House and the Cathedral.

Janette Sturgis - Manager


Janette has been with the shop for 30+ years (2022). An English graduate and a bookworm her bookshelves are overflowing.


Home is in Market Harborough, where she was born.


She worships and serves in a Free Evangelical church but is sympathetic to, and enjoys the whole breadth of spirituality:  “God is too big to be put in a box”.


Abbie Allen


Abbie has been with the Diocese of Leicester since 2019 and started in the shop in 2022. She is a Scriptwriting graduate from the University of South Wales.

She is from Warwickshire and attends one of the churches where her Dad is an Associate Minister. She’s an avid reader to the point she read 100 novels/non-fiction books/scripts in 2021.

Abbie is currently the Programme Administrator for the restructuring of the Diocese of Leicester as part of the Shaped By God Together process.

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